A leader is a person who directs, guides, influences, and controls thoughts, feelings, and behavior of others to a particular end. Leadership makes a difference. To be effective leaders, we must influence others to think and act, as well as to follow. We must set an example that others “choose” to follow. The secret to eliciting that choice is the very essence of leadership.

The TLT program is designed to challenge and empower the teen Pathfinder with new and increased responsibilities, while allowing them the security of doing so in a place they know and love. The TLT experience will assist the Pathfinder teen to form adult-Pathfinder relationships as an expression of their developing identity as teenagers.

We have provided a variety of published resources to assist you in growing this exciting ministry for the high school students who need more challenges than the Pathfinder program can otherwise offer them.


TLT Director's Guide

The Director's Guide is available for download in English.









TLT Portfolio Cover and Record Book

The Record Book is available for download in English.

Here you can download the TLT Portfolio Cover for your binder.






Touch: TLT Staff Handouts                  Touch: TLT Training Workshops

TLT Training Videos

The following training videos provide direction and details for TLT leaders and TLTs around the North American Division.